7 Top Ways to Protect Your Customers

author/source: Emily McCarthy

Photo Courtesy of Blake Wisz on UnsplashIncreasing your reputation is key in your quest to grow your business and establish your brand as one of the best in the industry. But, high-quality products and hilarious social media posts will only get you so far. Any business that wants to improve needs to know how to protect its customers to ensure their sensitive data is secure and guarantee they feel safe when frequenting your store. So, how can a business protect its customers from all potential threats? Consider these seven top tips to find the answer.

Use Secure Payment Processing

Every business deals with money and payments, so you must use a secure payment processing system before anything else. This is especially true if you work in a more adult industry, especially dating sites or novelty adult merchandise, because you do not want to risk anyone being outed for personal preferences. Studying the top 5 things you need in an adult merchant account (and even considering how they can apply to all businesses) means you can avoid credit card information breaches.

Keep Their Information Safe

You should also establish secure cybersecurity policies that keep sensitive information safe from would-be hackers. You cannot assume that your business is insignificant in the eyes of malicious third parties, so setting up a robust cybersecurity system is essential. You can find a wide range of the most powerful software tools for an extra line of defense over hackers that could seriously damage your reputation.

Photo Courtesy of charanjeet-dhimanAddress Their Concerns

Never assume that everything about your business is perfect, as this means you will never grow as a brand and could put yourself and your customers at risk. Offering customer feedback forms and a dedicated customer service system makes it easier to address their concerns and make adjustments so they feel safe when using your service or visiting your store. This could be as simple as installing security lights outside your establishment or in the parking lot if you do most of your business at night, such as a bar or after-work gym.

Share Cybersecurity Tips

You can install the best cybersecurity software possible, but this may not help if your customers are not aware of current scams that target them directly. Sending emails featuring the most important cybersecurity tips can help them protect themselves and prevent them from falling victim to phishing scams or phone calls where criminals pretend to be someone from your company. These instances usually include asking for payment or credit card details to authorize purchases that have not been made.

Update Your Software

Installing software once and calling it a day puts your business and customers at risk. Developers must continuously evaluate how effective the software is and include updates that maintain its effectiveness, so update the software whenever possible. You may worry about how the downtime impacts your business, so schedule it after work hours, such as overnight or during weekends. It is also worth informing your customers when the update will take place.

Photo Courtesy of marcus-lokeDesign An Accessible Store

There has been a stronger emphasis on the importance of accessibility at any retail store or office. Installing accessible features such as ramps and handrails allows customers to visit your store without worrying about getting hurt should they trip or fall. Similarly, consider the store layout and how it affects the customer experience. Is everything put in a logical space? Is there a risk of stock or cables creating a trip hazard? Risk assessment can help you identify potential problems and solve them.

Work With Your Community

Community collaboration with other small businesses is a great way to support one another, especially if you are not competitors. However, you can also use your positive relationships to identify possible threats to your business and customers. If there has been a series of burglaries or vandalism at a specific store, you can set up cameras to capture footage and deter future instances. Businesses can also share information about customers who have caused trouble, such as harassing other customers, to make it easier to ban them from entering the store so your customers are not at risk.


Protecting your customers from any possible issue goes a long toward establishing near-unbreakable trust in your brand. If you do everything you can to put your customers’ safety first, you will have fewer problems, but also more leeway in case something goes wrong because your customers will understand that you did as much as possible to prevent any problems. If this is the case, learn from it and improve your approach to ensure it does occur again.