I Can Really Do This

author/source: Francine Fontana

Photo Coutesy of Javier Allegue BarrosWhen I decided to change careers and become a certified life coach, I wanted to leverage everything that I had learned in 10 years of my personal and spiritual development to help people transform their lives. I wanted to help people go from feeling stuck, unfulfilled, lost, and unhappy to creating a life

The one thing I wasn’t expecting was that in order to be a life coach, I was also to be an entrepreneur!

You would think that having an MBA degree would have me covered, but I found that marketing a business that is so personal to me comes with its own challenges. I have always been a very private person so I felt so exposed!

I find myself acknowledging the gap between where I envisioned my business and where it stands today. It's not exactly where I hoped it would be. I’ve had successes and failures and as I proceed on my journey one thing is clear to me; being an entrepreneur serves as a catalyst for huge personal growth and development. Every single limiting belief I have about myself comes up as I build my business. Every thought of “can I really do this?”, “I am not capable”, “I am going to fail” and all the other thoughts that pop into the minds of entrepreneurs everywhere mean I am on my growth edge. And that’s great news! As I become aware of them, I can heal those wounds, and reprogram my subconscious mind with more empowering beliefs. I believe that we are all capable of doing everything we set our minds and hearts to. We are more powerful than any circumstances in our lives - and that includes me!

Here are 3 things I learned this year that serve me well in business and in life:

1) Acceptance of what is: it's crucial to be okay with the present, treating it as a unique part of the journey. It's just the ebb and flow of life! I've discovered the art of releasing the need to control every aspect of my business. No more “could haves and “should haves. I can set my goals, have a clear vision for what I would love, and continue taking aligned action. Even If I don’t see the results I am looking for, yet I can say to myself “This is what it looks like while it’s all coming together”. There's a certain beauty in this process and the trust I place in the unfolding of events, trusting that the Universe knows more than my human brain can comprehend.

Photo Courtesy of Marcos Paulo Prado2) Aligned action: Although my days are full, I've learned that rushing to get everything done only results in exhaustion and feeling drained at the end of the day. I don't subscribe to hustle culture, and I am done with push energy! I know that everything flows better, and I am way more effective in achieving my dreams and goals when I focus my energy on my dream and then take aligned action. I learned to check often with my intuition, asking questions like "How can I do this in a way that feels good to me?" or "What is the step that is mine to take now?” This deliberate alignment with my vision simplifies the complexities. When I take a moment to reflect and reassess my to-do list, priorities become clearer, and I just know what requires immediate attention and what can be deferred.

3) Self-care comes first: finding balance in the multitude of responsibilities in my life is an ongoing challenge, requiring constant mindfulness. Navigating the demands of my business, and ensuring quality time with my daughter and my husband demand a delicate balance. In the midst of this intricate juggling act, self-care emerges as the foundational pillar. I can only give abundantly to all areas of my life from a full cup!

Francine FontanaIt doesn't mean every day is perfect. I don't wait for inspiration, unwavering happiness, or an ideal state of being for me to deliver in my business. Instead, it signifies a steadfast dedication to my well-being. Even on days when I don't feel my best, I prioritize self-care and proceed to take the necessary steps for that specific day. I do what I can do, from where I am, with what I have. I firmly believe that any action is better than inaction. Even baby steps can take you all the way to your destination. Embracing this philosophy, I consistently do my best, finding contentment and pride in my continuous progress.

Reflecting on this beautiful and crazy year fills me with gratitude, a dash of humility, and a whole lot of excitement for what's to come!

As I continue navigating the intricate path of entrepreneurship, I embrace the lessons, prioritize self-care, and infuse love into every aspect of my business. After all, the journey itself is a masterpiece in the making, and I am both happy and proud to be a work in progress.

Francine is a motivational speaker and certified transformational life coach. She is passionate about helping women design and create a life they love.

Francine has an MBA degree and worked for Fortune 100 companies. However, she longed to find her authenticity, experience a vibrant life, and fulfill her higher purpose. Francine has dedicated the last 10 years to her self-discovery and personal development. Now, she loves her expansive life!

Francine’s deep understanding of how to create results, spiritual and emotional healing, and subconscious reprogramming make her uniquely poised to mentor women who want to change their lives from good to amazing!