Finding a Job That Fits Your Personality

author/source: Cathie Briggette

Photo Courtesy of Anna ShvetsFinding a job you want and will love is one of the hardest things for many people. Often, we get stuck in a career we don't love because of personal situations and missed opportunities. However, assessing your personality type and shadowing can help you decide.

Consider Your Long-Term Goals

We can take a job when we are younger based on our immediate needs without really thinking it through. This can lead to feeling trapped in a job you don't want. Making the best decisions early on is vital but rare. If you dare to turn your life around at a later stage, you really need something that offers career growth and the opportunity to develop your role around what is best for you, such as business, hospitality, or public service sectors.

Take the Myers-Briggs Test

There are some jobs that require specific personality types. Fortunately, there is a test known as the Myers-Briggs test you can use to assess yours. The test assesses your strengths and weaknesses for categorization into one of 16 types and temperaments. Examples include whether you are an introvert or extrovert, your intuition, and how you perceive a situation. The temperaments assessed are traditionalists, experiencers, idealists, and conceptualizers.

Photo Courtesy of Brett Jordan on UnsplashFinding a Job Based on Your Hobby

How great would it be to get paid for something you enjoy and love as your hobby? Pretty much the dream, right? You're not alone if you don't like your job. A recent survey in the UK found that only 17% of Brits actually love their job. Working towards a career that is essentially your hobby could be the magic gateway to employment bliss. Think about what you can do and use it to your advantage, such as photography, repairing computers, or even helping others understand wine.

Ask for Temporary Volunteer Work

It can be a long road to get a job you love, and some will require experience. Yet, if you are older, you may not have the time to start a new career completely. Some jobs may let you gain unpaid experience and hire from within the volunteer pool. This is common for jobs that require shadowing, and many offer this unique experience. Jobs that require hands-on learning are examples, such as computer networking, car and vehicle repair, and security.

Study the Qualifications Needed

You can land a job after shadowing, but shadowing may only be possible as part of a course. It can be daunting to think about studying for a whole new career as an adult. And even more so with responsibilities such as raising children. It can also be very challenging. However, your efforts can pay off big time. The job you want, such as cybersecurity, for example, will require specific qualifications and certifications even to get your very eager foot in the door.


Consider what you want to do over the long term when finding a job you know you will love. A career based on your hobby will probably make you happiest, but you may need to study for it.