Signs You are Overwhelmed and What You Can Do About It

author/source: Iris Nyegen

Photo Courtesy of PexelsDo you feel as though sometimes, life gets too much? If so then now is the time for you to make a change. If you don’t then you may find that things end up getting worse and that you struggle to cope.

You Are Isolating Yourself

When you are feeling a little overwhelmed by life, one of the easiest things you can do is isolate yourself from everyone around you. You need to be mindful of this, however. This is a dangerous spiral because it can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Regardless of how you feel you have to remember that you are not alone and that there are people out there who care about you, including friends and family. Make the effort to participate in activities that make you happy, and try to boost your mood so you feel more connected to the world.

You Are Always Tired

When your life gets overwhelming and you feel out of control, you may begin to feel exhausted. It doesn’t matter what activity or task you are working on,  because it can feel tiring to be constantly overstimulated. Even if you have not had a stressful day at work or even a hectic week at home, you may feel tired because of the constant feelings you are dealing with. The fastest way for you to relieve these feelings would be for you to prioritize what you do, so you can add some order to your overwhelming thoughts.

Photo Courtesy of julien-lYou Are Irritable

Stress often comes with irritability. Everyone feels irritable at some point in their life, but if you feel as though it is happening more often than it should, then this could signify that you are finding life overwhelming. This is especially the case if you are snapping at people for no reason at all, or if you are getting frustrated over the small things that would not bother you normally.

You Can’t Concentrate

When you feel overwhelmed, you may find that it is impossible for you to concentrate on a single thing at a time. Your mind may feel overwhelmed at thoughts, and that you find it hard to focus on anything. This is especially the case with things you find tedious or dull. If you start forgetting things or if you have a hard time concentrating, or remembering people’s names then you may find that you end up adding to your overwhelm. This can lead to a lot of feelings of anxiety. If you want to do something about this then it could be wise to look into treatment for anxiety so you can move past the difficult emotions you are experiencing.

You Forget Things

If you are constantly forgetting things then this can really be frustrating for you. You may find that you just can’t remember what you need and that it is very difficult for you to live your life. If you want to help yourself here then one thing you can do is try and treat the source of your issue, which is stress and overwhelm.