How to Launch a Wildly Successfull Business App

author/source: Emily

Photo Courtesy of Alexaner ShatovMost of today’s new businesses need some sort of app to function as a sales funnel but only a small minority have one. The main reason for this is the perceived challenges in setting one up. Many company owners imagine it is hard to get an app off the ground and implement it successfully at the company level.

That’s where this post can help. We explore how to launch a successful business app that will do what you need it to do for your business. Along the way, you’ll discover everything you need to know about the process, from conducting market research to integrating payments.

Figure Out What You Want Your App To Do

The first step is to think carefully about what you want your app to do. Having a goal in mind will make it easier to pick a direction and choose a model or method that works for you.

Remember, apps can do all sorts of things. For some companies, the main purpose of the app will be to provide information and set reminders. For others, it’ll be to sell products and ship them same-day. It really depends on your business’s needs.

Photo Courtesy of Unsplash CC0LicenseChoose A Platform And Technology That’s Right For You

The next step is to choose the right platform and technology for your app. You want something that’s going to satisfy your target audience’s needs while also providing all the business functionalities you require.

For instance, using embedded payments in a React app is something that e-commerce businesses will want to use. Having the ability to make sales within the app itself offers massive inherent advantages, such as lower cart abandonment.

Similarly, adding location widgets to navigation or booking apps can also help customers figure out where they need to go to meet with you. This approach makes it easier to organize large groups of customers without the associated admin.

You’ll also need to consider the following when choosing a platform:-

  • The target market or audience
  • Your business’s timeline
  • Your budget

Photo Courtesy of Unsplash - CC0 LicenseYou'll also want to work out whether you want to include any emerging technologies to future-proof your software. Going forward, almost all apps are going to embody AI, some sort of augmented reality or metaverse-like concept, or blockchain. You’ll want to lean into at least one, if not all three, to add value for your customers.

Hire A Previously-Successful Team To Create The App

The next step is to create a previously-successful team to create the app. You want a group of people who really “get you” and understand what your business is trying to achieve. The app should be bug-free, user-friendly, and highly intuitive, tailored to the unique characteristics of your audience.

Promote Your App

The final stage is to promote your app to your customers and get them to use it. Once you have their attention inside the app, it’s highly likely engagement and sales will rise (if applicable). For many firms, it is one of the best decisions they ever make. Make sure your personal brand is solid too, if this is tied to your app. CEO reputation management is great if you don’t feel as though yours is as good as it could be.


Emily is a full-time copywriter of 5 years specializing in business and marketing. Emily graduated from the University of Chester with a 2:1 in business accounting and finance in 2004. She is an avid traveler, has taught English in Nepal, Malaysia, and Japan, and has produced copy for Entrepreneur and Metro amongst many other high-end publications in the past.