Why You Need to Optimize Parking Lot Design for Customer Satisfaction

author/source: Emily McCarthy

Photo Courtesy of Unsplash - CC0LicenseWhen it comes to doing business, your parking lot is one of your biggest assets. If customers know they can rock up in their vehicles right outside your store conveniently, they are much more likely to show up and start buying from you.

With that said, only a minority of firms actually bother to significantly invest in their parking spaces. Many take it for granted that customers will arrive because they are in a “high footfall area,” without ever actually thinking about what might be drawing them to the store in the first place.

The good news is that there’s plenty you can do if you run or own a parking lot to improve it for greater customer satisfaction. Here’s everything you need to know:-

Keep It Well-Maintained

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One option is to keep your parking lot well-maintained. Customers want your parking lot to look just as professional and well-kept as the rest of your store. Debris and dirt everywhere create a bad impression and make customers wonder whether their vehicles are safe.

Provide More Lighting

Another way to attract customers to your parking lot is to invest in more lighting. Nobody wants to walk around a dark parking lot at night, looking for their vehicle. Customers want to feel safe and secure, even if they decide to shop with you late.

Providing parking lot lighting is cheaper today than in the past because of the advent of LED lights. Not only are they bright, but they require less energy and can last for many years before requiring replacement.

Photo COurtesy of Caleb JackUse Clear Signage

You should also use more clear signage in your parking lot telling customers critical information such as:-

  • The parking lot’s exit
  • The closest entrance to your store
  • The floor or zone of the parking lot
  • The speed limit
  • Where to park with disabilities or children

Providing signage to this effect helps customers to relax and tells them where to go if they are new to shopping with you.

Companies like EverLine Coatings and Services also suggest improving internal floor markings, such as arrows or bay outlines. Your brand should use these to complement existing signage and reduce customer confusion further.

Choose A Better Layout

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You might also want to consider the layout of your parking lot and whether it makes sense, given your customers’ priorities. Ideally, you need to optimize traffic flow, accessibility, safety, and density. Achieving them all at the same time can be challenging.

If you get stuck, speak to a parking lot consultant. They should provide you with a plan based on your location and requirements. If you’re worried about your parking lot getting full, use specialist CCTV services that can monitor traffic in and out of the parking lot and tell you if there is an issue with people staying there without spending time in-store.

Photo Courtesy of Unsplash - CC0 LicenseReduce Pollution

Lastly, you might want to consider adding some greenery to improve the environment and reduce pollution. Vegetation and plant matter can elevate the space and make your entire premises feel more welcoming.


Emily is a full-time copywriter of 5 years specializing in business and marketing. Emily graduated from the University of Chester with a 2:1 in business accounting and finance in 2004. She is an avid traveler, has taught English in Nepal, Malaysia, and Japan, and has produced copy for Entrepreneur and Metro amongst many other high-end publications in the past.