The Essential Ingredients to Create Massive Change

author/source: Caterina Rando

the-essential-ingredients-create-massive-changeRecently I was thinking back on a conversation I had with a friend about something I call the myth of the seminar - the idea that a single seminar or workshop will be life-changing and transform your business. While these events are full of valuable information, there are many more key ingredients to creating massive change that are IMPOSSIBLE to gain from a seminar but ARE POSSIBLE when you work with an experienced and proven effective business coach. 

Ongoing Guidance.Awareness and education are vital; however the goal is to both implement what we have learned and begin to MASTER it. That takes structure like a weekly or bi-weekly individual or group call that gives you the framework for creating systems and a schedule that supports you for optimal work. 

Ongoing Support.Let’s be honest, entrepreneurialism is an emotional rollercoaster. Some days we feel like we can do anything and then a disappointment du jour gets in the way and stops our action. It is important to have a structure that keeps us determined, focused and in action. 

Accountability.When we have someone or a group holding us accountable, we are much more likely to do what we said you were going to do. As humans, we have an inherent need to not let other people down and by sharing our plans with others, often more momentum is created to keep us the-essential-ingredients-create-massive-changeon track. 

Encouragement. Kids aren’t the only ones who appreciate being told they’re doing a great job. We are our own worst critics and it’s so easy to get discouraged when goals seem out of reach, or we are making slower progress towards them than we initially anticipated. It is crucial to have someone or our peers to remind us that we are doing well, making progress and/ or making a difference. The more encouragement the better for us. 

Myself and my community are here to support you to move as quickly as possible from where you are to where you want to be and these key ingredients (plus a few more) are how you’re going to get there. Reach out to discuss how we can bring more massive change into your business. 



PS- For more info to help youcreate massive change,check out my podcast episode "The Essential Ingredients to Create Massive Change"

PPS-SPECIAL INVITATION for HERSELF360 members:Join me foran incredible opportunity to generate more revenue in onemonth than you ever have before!My BEST MONTH EVER Challenge beginsJan. 10th, 2023.Use code “HER360” to attend for only $147  

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About Caterina Rando:

the-essential-ingredients-create-massive-changeCaterina Rando is on a mission to teach, mentor, and support women to be themselves, do their thing, serve their people and massively monetize their mastery. She shows women entrepreneurs how to be loud and proud about the value they bring in order to make their businesses thrive. Her clients grow, shine, expand, open themselves up to new possibilities, and take their businesses further than ever before.Caterina is all about, positivity, integrity, generosity, community, and providing massive value while uplifting others. She is a sought-after-speaker, event producer, and author. Her latest book is theABCs of Public Speaking.Her book,Learn to Think Differently,from Watkins Publishing is published in over thirteen countries and several languages. 

Caterina is the founder ofThe Thriving Women in Business Giving Community. This group of big-hearted women raises money for women and girls' education and entrepreneurship training. She wants women to know that they do not have to wait until they are wealthy or retired before they can embrace philanthropy. This is the clear message in theWomen’s Giving Circle Guide,a bookshe co-authored with C.J. Hayden. 

Caterina is also the founder of theThriving Women in Business Center, located in San Francisco. This is an attractive and warm place for women to come and do their workshops.Caterina's plan is to open more centers throughout northern California. Caterina is recognized for her special way of infusing business with making a difference. She has received theExtraordinary WomanAwardfrom Developing Alliances. The American Businesswomen Association bestowed on her theWoman of Distinction Awardand she has also received theLimitless WomanAwardfrom the Limitless Woman Conference.